
Photoreactors from
feasibility study to
commercial installation

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Photoreactors for process development

Automated process development for reproducable and fast results in a modular toolkit

process development

Process development and up-scaling can be easy

The implementation of a photochemical process from laboratory to production scale is impossible without the prior investigation of fundamental photochemical process parameters. By using the MPDS®EVO in miniplant technology at the lab it is now possible to determine all photochemically relevant process parameters, such as the space-time yield, reaction kinetics, selection of suitable solvents, concentration and spectral absorption coefficient, optical path, etc. in a structured and reproducible way under supervision. In addition, different photochemical process methods can be compared and evaluated side by side.
With this, it is possible to select the correct application optimized industrial photoreactor out of the portfolio of Peschl Ultraviolet GmbH and thus it is easy to transfer the process into commercial scale. Photochemical reactions which are already performed in industrial scale can be traced and afterwards optimized in detail in the laboratory (down-scaling). With the reaction optimized and safe photoreactors from Peschl Ultraviolet, you are getting a highly efficient photochemical production plant with exceptional productivity.

Build the MPDS® that fits to your requirements


Agitated-batch for MPDS    MPDS-EVO

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      Davide Onesti

      Davide Onesti

      Customer Service,
      Purchase & Sales

      +49 (0) 6131 143845-0